McCain had a few very brief shining moments especially when he declared, "I'm not President Bush. If you want to run against President Bush, you should've run four years ago.", and the Freudian slip when he referred to Senator Obama as "Senator Government".
Senator Obama remained calm and collected throughout the debate and never appeared rattled as he did in the first debate several weeks ago. His smug looks and snickers while McCain spoke may prove to be a slight turnoff to some voters.
Senator McCain appeared a little stiff and uncomfortable throughout the night. His plastered on smile did not cover the emotion behind.

Moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS refereed the bout well and attempted to move the debate along when either of the participants rambled.
I'm no political strategist but I felt that Senator McCain needed to become more the aggressor to turn the tide on voter sentiment. Why did he not further explore Obama's questionable relationships with characters such as Bill Ayers, Raila Odinga, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and George Soros? Ayers, a domestic terrorist bent on destroying the US government, has been a prime mentor to Barack Obama, for somewhere between 10 and 20 years, and possibly served as a ghost writer of Obama's book, Dreams of My Father. Obama supported fellow Luo tribesman Odinga's campaign for president of Kenya; a man who attemptd to topple the Kenyan government, desired to win by hook or crook, treatied with Muslim terrorists, and incited a riot where hundreds of Christians were killed. Jeremiah Wright, a racist anti-white, anti-Jew pastor, baptized Obama and his children in his church that they attended for 20 years. Louis Farrakhan recently declared Obama "the Messiah" and has stated that Obama's election as President would further Islam around the globe. And what about Soros? Is a man capable of bringing England's most powerful bank to it's knees the ultimate puppet master? Why is no one, including McCain and Palin, addressing these unsavory connections?

Why has the McCain campaign never exploited the questionable citizenship of Barack Obama and the lawsuit filed by Phillip Berg in Pennsylvania? Born in the Panama Canal zone to two American citizens, McCain's citizenship was questioned early in the race. When the Department of Homeland Security refused to release any documents to the courts, McCain himself produced the vault copy of his birth certificate and all medical records to squelch the problem. Now Obama's citizenship has been challenged legally and he has refused to release any of the required documents to settle the case. Instead he chooses to use legal motions to delay discovery.
I respect Senator McCain as the master strategist so there must be a reason he remained the gentleman and did not exploit the poor judgment, shady friends, and the dark secrets of Barack Obama. The election approaches quickly, Mr. McCain. I hope you have a rabbit up your sleeve!
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