Monday, August 29, 2011

Bumbershoot Prep 3 - Witchburn

I've discovered scheduling problem number one. It will prove difficult to pull myself away from the Caleb Klauder Country Band to enjoy the heavy metal riffs of Witchburn but somehow I must manage the logistics. The two acts perform within 15 minutes of each other. Although I've been a metal fan for years, I only recently discovered Witchburn, a high volume Seattle based group of heavy rockers, fronted by Jamie Nova, the former lead singer for the world renowned all female AC/DC tribute band, Hells Belles. The band describe themselves as "heavy, down-tuned, southern fried, whiskey soaked sabbra cadabra." I like that!

Before hearing Witchburn, I expected a mosh between Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin and AC/DC but what reached my ears was a revitalized, old school Ozzie and Black Sabbath sound but cleverly embellished by the soaring, chilling pipes of Jamie Nova. Few other voices are better suited to metal than Jamie's. She finds no problem hitting the piercing highs and you can feel the punch from deep down in her gut. This babe rocks!

Although the guitar solos lack the virtuostic flair of Yngwie or Eddie, the riffs are solid, catchy, and fresh. They stick in your head but there's none of the pop familiarity.

Enjoy the following clip of the band performing Stand Up and Be Counted.

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