Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate 2 - More of the Same

I've heard the "More of the Same" mantra from the Obama camp this entire election season but it must now be reassigned to describe tonight's debate. Tom Brokaw stunted the town hall format, for unknown reason, and turned the second debate into a repeat of the first. Each candidate was given ample time to reiterate their campaign position on issues such as the economy, energy and foreign policy. Normally, a format like tonight's allows ordinary citizens the opportunity to ask unusual questions but we heard none of it tonight except for the very last question.

That question was, "What don't you know and how will you learn it?" Obama stated that he asks his wife anything that he does not know and she tells him, but he never did admit to not knowing anything. Senator McCain stayed slightly less vague by admitting he does not know the unknown in regard to challenges both here and abroad but again did not get very specific.

John McCain did seemed to display a better understanding of the fundamentals causing the financial crisis and discreetly unveiled a plan to help stabilize the housing situation. He understands that besides bailing out Wall Street and the banking sector that we also need to provide help to individuals by reassigning mortgages based on current home valuations. Senator Obama just rhetorically continued to blame President Bush and his failed economic policies.

Both candidates endorsed Warren Buffet as a potential Treasury Secretary. I wonder if Mr. Buffet would be willing to take the pay cut? Both candidates agreed or held similar positions on most issues with the exception of taxes. Senator Obama stressed the importance of government investment in programs to stimulate energy research and the economy, but Senator McCain supported the ideals of the government fostering an environment which allows free enterprise to thrive and stimulate creativity by individual entrepreneurship.

Senator Obama remained calm and collected throughout the night and showed none of the agitation he displayed during the first debate. Senator McCain, understanding his underdog position, became more the aggressor and at times seemed slightly uncomfortable. McCain needed to score big tonight to turn voter sentiment and failed to do so making tonight's debate a default win for Obama.

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