Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Al-Qaeda's Fear of Barack Obama

President George Bush presents the perfect ideologically target for Al-Qaeda operatives and other Muslim extremists. He represents everything about the west that they despise. His white American Christian upbringing, his use of alcohol, and his successful entrepreneurial endeavors represent the perfect opponent for their jihad. It's easy to recruit martyrs to your cause when you have such an ideal example of American capitalism.

But Barack Obama represents a different view to the world of the much hated United States. The gun toting, rough speaking cowboy disappears and is replaced by a smooth talking, world traveler, as ethnically diverse as anyone. As Commander-in-Chief, he'll represent a familiarity that they'll find difficult to oppose. The die hard jihadists will continue to find his entire being repelling but how much harder will it be to recruit the common mahadra student or mosque worshipper to fight a man who resembles them in name and appearance more than any other President in the entire history of the United States?

The war of words and propaganda began early when Osama bin Laden's chief deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri condemned Obama as a "house negro" doing the bidding of his white masters.

During the presidential debates, Obama threatened to invade Pakistan if it became necessary to defeat bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, something that both George Bush and John McCain oppose.

The world appears a bit leery of the new American Commander-in-Chief. Apparently, they will be just as uncomfortable with him and the possible unknown as he will be learning the ropes of his new job.


Ted said...

“Dirty Pool” at the Supreme Court apparently on behalf of Obama currently usurping YOUR Constitution: Leo Donofrio’s companion case, brought by Cort Wrotnowski, with fuller/better briefing showing Obama is not an Article II “natural born citizen” reportedly has been sidetracked to the anthrax lab to deprive the full Court from seeing those filings in connection with Donofrio’s case this Friday, Dec 5, 2008. DO SOMETHING AMERICA!!!

Scotty G said...

Excellent picture! You make several great points here as well. Obama is either the greatest target in the West or the biggest "lame duck" we will ever have as President. I have to kick myself for saying this, but I agree with Joe Biden (gasp!) on the fact that Obama will be "tested" during the first year of his Presidency, that is if he is actually electable after all.