Friday, December 5, 2008

I Started a Joke or the Birth of an Internet Rumor

For those of you too young to remember, I Started a Joke was a big 1960's hit for the BeeGees when they were still a semi-cool pop band similar to the Beatles or Turtles, way before the 1970's disco invasion that almost destroyed the music industry.

But in this case, I'm the one who started a big joke that apparently has turned into somewhat of an internet rumor. I'm certain that most reading this blog are aware of the controversy surrounding the natural born citizenship status of President Elect Barack Obama. A couple of weeks ago, when Mr. Obama started naming cabinet positions, I commented on that he appeared to be recreating the Clinton administration so that when he became disqualified to serve as president, Hillary Clinton would assume the position through the electoral process and she would appoint Obama as Secretary of State. Believe me, this has absolutley no basis in fact, it was only meant as a joke.

Several days after I posted that comment, I began reading other comments posted as well as blog articles referring to the switch that was about to take place. One poor rumor spreader even elaborated on the exact chronology that would soon occur.

To set the record straight, I would like to let all know that I started the rumor and there is no factual basis. If it by chance does become reality, then I guess that's a good example of life imitating art!

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