Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Bless America

Please take time today to reflect upon the terrible tragedy that occured on this date seven years ago. Continually keep the families of the victims in your prayers. Give thanks for the New York City fireman and policeman who responded in heroic fashion. Fight terrorism at every opportunity and with every effort. God Bless America!

Often we Americans take for granted the freedoms afforded to us through the sacrifice of others. Most forget that many of our forefathers emmigrated from Europe to avoid religious persecution and founded a country deeply steeped in Christian principle. Generations later, others followed seeking the land of opportunity. They attended citizenship classes, struggled to learn English, found jobs and worked hard. Some enlisted in the military and fought bravely, and at times in Germany and Japan, against their own kin.

Now these proud Americans watch others sneak around immigration, refusing to learn the language, and disrespecting our traditions while draining our social programs unnecessarily. A nation founded on faith now persecutes children for praying in school, abolishes public display of the ten commadments and allows mothers to murder unborn babies.

Americans, please consider the dire consequences of our actions. Stand firm and fight to keep the rights our fathers and grandfathers sacrificed their lives for. Remember the domestic blood shed at Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, and the twin towers, as well as American blood shed overseas in Okinawa, Normandy, Seoul, Saigon and Baghdad.

I challenge each of you to invite a firefighter, policeman or veteran to lunch today. Shake their hand and warmly give them a hug. Thank them for me for all they've done!

Again, pray for the victims, thank the heroes and erradicate terrorism in all places. God Bless America!

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