Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah Palin - Political Action Figure

Faster than a speeding snowmobile, more powerful than a Washington lobbyist, able to leap bridges to nowhere in a single bound, it's the Sarah Palin political action figure, available from Hero Builders. By day she battles archenemy Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim turned Christian turned New Ager and self proclaimed saviour of the world and at night she nurtures 5 lovely children, one with special needs and another recently deployed to fight evil himself. Able to fly under her own power, she had little need for a government jet so listed it on Ebay. Supporters refer to her as pit bull or barracuda but rivals diminish that to pretty pig and smelly fish. The former beauty queen turned gladiator draws strength from quality inner character and strong family values while her nemesis derives power from poison words. We hope to see her soon in the White House, serving as vice president where current President Bush told her, "It's a great job, you get to tell the president what to do."

Also available from Hero Builders is the Barack Obama Pez dispenser. His mouth moves and sweet things fly out. They taste really great and are highly addictive but deeep down inside, we know they're bad for us.

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