Friday, September 12, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig: Where's the Pork?

"You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."
"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."
"We've had enough of the same old thing."

Barack Obama's sexist faux pas may cost him an election. Whether or not he aimed that double barreled shot gun at Sarah Palin, his crowd certainly understood it that way. And if unintentional, is Obama not astute enough to cover the misunderstanding? Of course he meant it as a dig on Palin. Maybe it's alright in Indonesia to call a woman a pig or remark that she smells like a fish but my Momma said it's not o.k. in the good ole U.S. of A.

I believe the reactor fueling the democratic national campaign malfunctioned and is now suffering from meltdown. I'm certain the democratic strategists devised a plan to counteract two Washington "good ole boys" like John McCain and anyone else but they've lost their marbles in attempting to overcome the popularity of Sarah Palin. Within 48 hours, we heard the pig and fish comments from Obama, Carol Fowler's comment that McCain chose a running mate "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion” and possibly the most insane from Tennessee Rep Steve Cohen, “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.” How many voters were alienated during those two days?

The democrats recent attacks also focus on earmark funding, or "pork barrel" spending. Keep in mind that mayors and governors approve none of these funds, they are approved by Congress. Barack Obama and Joe Biden both voted to approve the Ketchikan Bridge, or "bridge to nowhere" defeating a motion proposed by Senator Tom Coburn to shift those funds to Hurricane Katrina relief. For the record, John McCain has never, in 28 years in office, supported earmark funding and proposes to abolish it if elected. Last year, Obama requested $311 million in earmark funds and Biden $120 million for their respective constituenticies, Illinois and Delaware. McCain has voted 0% of the time to approve earmark spending, opposed to Obama's 90% approval of pork barrel spending and astonishingly, Joe Biden has supported wasteful spending 100% of the time during his 35 years in office!

So, let me ask these questions:

Who's the pig?

Where's the pork?

Who smells fishy?

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